fastn vs React, Angular and Javascript

Very Easy Syntax

fastn simplifies programming making it accessible to everyone. Developers, designers, and non-programmers alike can easily learn fastn to build stunning web projects. Its **user-friendly interface and minimal syntax** allow even those with no prior programming experience to grasp its functionalities swiftly. Take the below examples for instance.

Example 1


-- chat-female-avatar: Hello World! 😀

-- chat-female-avatar:

I'm Nandhini, a freelance content writer.

-- chat-female-avatar:

Fun fact: I also built this entire page with fastn! 🚀
It's that easy!


Hello World! 😀
I'm Nandhini, a freelance content writer.
Fun fact: I built this entire page with fastn! 🚀 It's that easy!

Example 2


-- quote.rustic: Nandhini

It's liberating to control the outcome as the creator. I can swiftly bring
changes to life without delay or intermediaries.


It's liberating to control the outcome as the creator. I can swiftly bring changes to life without delay or intermediaries.

Example 3


-- boolean $show-modal: false

-- modal-cover.button: Click to Open
$on-click$: $ftd.toggle($a = $show-modal)
disable-link: true

-- modal-cover.modal-cover: fastn fun-fact
$open: $show-modal

**`If you can type, you can code!`**


Click to Open
As evident, the language is effortlessly comprehensible to everyone. This fosters smooth collaboration among developers, designers, and content creators, ultimately boosting the efficiency of the entire project.

Separation of content and design

In Webflow, making changes to the content can inadvertently disrupt the design layout. This can result in constant adjustments and compromises, making the maintenance process cumbersome. In fastn, you can effortlessly modify the content without impacting the design.

GitHub Integration

fastn's version control is made possible through its integration with GitHub. Online website builders like Webflow, Wix, and Framer often lack version control features. (Webflow offers review product only in Enterprise Edition) Without version control, users might find themselves in a predicament if they accidentally delete or overwrite a crucial information in their website.

Easy Collaboration

fastn's integration with GitHub streamlines teamwork by enabling multiple contributors to work simultaneously on different branches, making collaboration smooth and efficient.
Multiple Contributors Can Work Simultaneously

Reverting Changes

When errors or undesirable changes occur, you can revert to a previous working version quickly.

Review and Approval

The integration with GitHub facilitates a streamlined review process. Users can create pull requests, allowing designated reviewers to assess the proposed changes.
Reviewers can catch errors, recommend improvements, and suggest optimizations

Merge in one-go

With a single click, users can merge the changes into the live website, thanks to GitHub integration in fastn.

Visualize with Vercel

Preview and test your website's appearance and functionality before deployment.
Preview your page before deployment

Rich collection of readymade components

fastn's versatility accommodates a wide range of projects, from landing pages to complex web applications, giving startups the agility they need to adapt and evolve. You can choose from numerous components that suit your needs. There are [doc-sites](, [blogs](, [landing pages]( to individual component library like [bling](, [hero sections](, and more. The best part? All components in the ecosystem adhere to a unified design system. This ensures that every component blends seamlessly with others, creating a cohesive look and feel across your entire site.

Content Components

In fastn, you can create custom content components for recurring information. This ensures a consistent user experience throughout your website while saving your time.

Open source Advantage

While Webflow offers templates and pre-designed elements, they are limited to their developers. Whereas our [design community portal]( serves as a hub for designers and frontend developers to submit their fastn packages for end users to discover and use. Currently we have a community of 1000 developers and designers on our [Discord Channel]( with active participants contributing to fastn.
Our Discord Server

Opinionated Design System

fastn comes with integrated design system. We've many pre-made design choices so you can build your website quickly.

Unified Color and Typography

A lot of [color scheme](/featured/cs/) and [typography](featured/fonts-typography/) packages are available, which you can import and change the entire typography or color scheme in a few lines of code. You can manage color palettes and typography centrally to save time and ensure consistent usage across your website.
fastn Colour Schemes
fastn Typography

Seamless Figma Integration

Integrate Figma tokens with **`fastn`**'s color scheme or create your own scheme from Figma JSON.
Using Figma tokens with fastn colour scheme

Responsive Ready

fastn has built in support for responsive design. Your creations automatically adapt to the perfect size, whether your users are on mobile or desktop devices.

Search Engine Optimization

Custom and Clean URLs

fastn allows you to map documents to any URL you like, allowing you to make all your URLs clean, and folders organised! You can also create dynamic URLs in fastn.

Optimized Meta Information

Easily manage meta tags and descriptions with fastn. You can fine-tune how your web pages appear in search engine results and increase your site's discoverability. You can also add OG-Image to your page and control the preview of your page link when shared across social platforms.
Adding meta title, description and image
-- This is page title
document-title: Welcome!
document-description: Learn how to do SEO! document-image:

URL Redirection

Effortlessly create URL redirections to improve navigation and link consistency, ensuring that your users always find the right content, even when URLs change.
URL Redirection: `FASTN.ftd` example that uses `fastn.redirects`
-- import: fastn

-- fastn.package: redirect-example

-- fastn.redirects:

/ftd/kernel/: /kernel/

Why fastn is the best choice for your startup

Full Control

Relying heavily on a single platform can introduce risks, especially if that platform undergoes changes or disruptions.Websites built on Webflow are tightly linked to the platform. Users who later wish to migrate their sites to other platforms or hosting services might encounter compatibility issues and data transfer challenges. With fastn, you retain full control and ownership. Your content and audience always belongs to you. fastn being open-source, ensures your content lives forever.

Cost of Onwership

Webflow's pricing model could become costly as users add more features or their business scales. Over time, the cumulative costs might not be feasible for startups or small businesses with limited budgets. fastn is free forever.


Self-hosting reduces dependency on third-party platforms and hosting services. This not only lowers costs associated with subscription fees but also minimizes the risk of service disruptions or policy changes by external providers. fastn's allows you to deploy your website on your server. The freedom to self-host provides control, customization, privacy, scalability, and reduced reliance on external platforms.
Get Started with fastn
Install fastn with a Single Command
curl -fsSL | bash
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