Rive Events

These events are specific to [rive](/rive/) component and can be added to rive components only. These fire callback at various events in rive component. To know more about other events in fastn, checkout [events](/events/) page.


The `on-rive-play[]` event gets fired when the animation starts playing.


The `on-rive-pause[]` event gets fired when the animation pauses.
-- string $idle: Unknown Idle State

-- ftd.text: $idle

-- ftd.rive:
id: vehicle
src: https://cdn.rive.app/animations/vehicles.riv
autoplay: false
artboard: Jeep
$on-rive-play[idle]$: $ftd.set-string($a = $idle, v = Playing Idle)
$on-rive-pause[idle]$: $ftd.set-string($a = $idle, v = Pausing Idle)

-- ftd.text: Idle/Run
$on-click$: $ftd.toggle-play-rive(rive = vehicle, input = idle)
Unknown Idle State


The `on-rive-state-change[]` event gets fired when a state change occurs.
-- integer $bounce: 0

-- ftd.row:
spacing.fixed.px: 5

-- ftd.text: Number of times bounce occur:
-- ftd.integer: $bounce

-- end: ftd.row

-- ftd.rive:
id: van
src: https://cdn.rive.app/animations/vehicles.riv
state-machine: bumpy
$on-rive-state-change[bounce]$: $ftd.increment($a = $bounce)

-- ftd.text: Click to Bump
$on-click$: $ftd.fire-rive(rive = van, input = bump)
Number of times bounce occur:
Click to Bump

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