Create a `fastn` package

`fastn` is also a `ftd` package manager. A package contains all related and necessary files. `fastn` manages the packages and modules for `ftd` and consists of command line tool `fastn`. To get started, you need to install `fastn`. Refer to the [install `fastn`](install/) page to learn how to install `fastn`.

Create a package

There are two ways to create a fastn package:
Using Command (Recommended)

Using Command

The simplest way to create a `fastn` package is to use the command line tool. Suppose you want to create a package named `hello-fastn`, you need to follow these steps: - [Open the Terminal (Linux/MacOS) or Command prompt (Windows)](open-terminal/) - Run the following command in terminal
fastn create-package hello-fastn
The above command will create a folder named `hello-fastn` containing two files: [`FASTN.ftd`](create-fastn-package/#fastn-ftd) and [`index.ftd`](create-fastn-package/#index-ftd). You can view the contents of this folder in a text editor such as [SublimeText](

Serving the package

After creating the package as described above, you can start the HTTP server. Follow these steps: - [Open the Terminal (Linux/MacOS) or Command prompt (Windows)](open-terminal/) - Navigate to the package location in the terminal using the `cd ` command.
go to the package location
cd hello-fastn
- Once you are in the package location, run the following command to start the HTTP server:
fastn serve
After starting the HTTP server, open any web browser and type "" into the URL bar. Voila! You can now view your "hello world" page in the browser.


`FASTN.ftd` is a configuration file where we set configuration for the package. In `FASTN.ftd`, the code should look like this:
-- import: fastn

-- fastn.package: hello-fastn
In the code above, we set the package name as`hello-fastn`.


`index.ftd` is the index page of your package. You can think of the index page as being the home or default page of your package. In `index.ftd`, the code should look like this:
-- ftd.text: Hello World
In the code above, we added a kernel component `ftd.text` and passed `Hello World` as the value for `text` property.

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Quick links:

- [Install `fastn`](install/) - [Create `fastn` package](create-fastn-package/) - [Expander Crash Course](expander/) - [Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text](/sublime/)

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